Scoala Gimnaziala Centrala, municipiul Campina, is a state school which combines modern features with tradition. Our school was founded almost 100 years ago, so it has a long tradition in our town. Since 2007, we have a new and modern building, but we kept the old little building in the yard, as a memento. The School has 18 classrooms, five laboratories, two offices, a gym which can host sporting events, an amphitheater with 200 seats, a library, an archive and a meeting room.

Families of our students belong to a medium social and cultural level. Children are from 6 years old to 10 (Primary school) and from 10 to 14 (secondary school). Our pupils start studying English at the age of 9.

Due to the economical European crisis, many Romanian families who have worked abroad, returned back home, and now we are trying to integrate each year more and more Romanian students who have studied in European countries.

The School is situated near the Romanian capital, Bucharest,  about 80 km, and near the the most important touristic areas from our country, Sinaia and Brasov, ski resorts. So, we are between economic areas and touristic and historical areas. Our students participate every year to national competitions in different subjects (Physics, Romanian, English, Theatre, Sports etc).

Scoala gimnaziala Centrala offers already the following guidance services to the students and to their families:

  • Effective studying methods
  • Improvement of motivation (by interviewing with students)
  • Support education to the students
  • Individual educational, social and psychological counselling and guidance.
  • Individual recognition techniques according to the age.

The School organizes lots of theatre activities such as: little stories created by children and acted by them on different topics – Christmas, Easter, Joy of Spring, Celebrating Child Day or Mother Day.

Teachers stimulate their pupils in the creation of their own stories, adapting the topics to their needs, age and knowledge. Then,  these stories created by them, played and acted in different roles, made them accept each others without judging,  without fear or shame, eliminating prejudices and reflecting on negative feelings.

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